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Friday- Shopping With RetroMonde

Friday is the day I wander, searching high & low for treasures to sell and keep. As I’m out and about, I see things that amuse me and take its picture. Here’s today’s lot.


I stumbled across these 2 old Fords at a garage sale. There was no garage sale sign at the sale, only a sign that said, “Out Back”. Boy was I glad there was a sale back there and not just some stranger’s back yard!

This is my “Fake Of The Week”. I’m on a roll with bringing home the not-so-good goods. But each time I do, I learn something about how to recognize authentic luxury brands, so it’s all good. Tossed into the trash to never be sold again.


We stopped at a sale that was like old doll Valhalla. OMG, what a HUGE amount of antique dolls. Honestly, too many dolls in one spots is kinda creepy, especially when so many don’t have either heads or bodies. But one of those sad little dolls would have loved a ride in this toy wicker doll pram.

Tired but still searching for the next stop, we saw this sign. Yes, I was excited until the final sign that misspelled the word “should” as “sould”. Sigh.

Typos & incorrect labels are a pet peeve of mine. Someone that manufactures sweaters should know what knit and crochet stitches look like and label the garment properly.


Tired but not quite sure if it was time to go home, I was looking for a sign. Very subtle. Good night!


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